Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition)
The only textbook featuring eyeball-estimation and progressive cumulative review

Errata (sorted by chapter)

We have worked very hard to make Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) and Personal Trainer error free, but occasionally errors do occur. I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank those who have spotted errors. All known errors are listed below.

If you find an error in Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) or in Personal Trainer that is not already listed here, please let us know about it immediately so that we can inform others.

We will correct Personal Trainer errors immediately, and will correct textbook errors in all subsequent printings.

Errata sorted by chapter. Last updated 12-1-23.
Chapter Page Line Now Reads Should Read Date Thanks To
n/a Inside front cover 5 Go to Go to 5‑19‑21 Kaylee Scholtes, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
3 578 Ch. 3 Sec. C. #23 [not provided] 3.24 9‑15‑17 Monserrat Leal-Arcos, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4 578 Ch. 4 Sec. A. #5(f) [not provided] between about 15 and 16 6‑15‑20 James Webster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4 578 Ch. 4 Sec. A. #6(f) [not provided] between about 82 and 84 2‑6‑22 James Webster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4 579 Ch. 4 Sec. C. #23 [not provided] 4.23 6‑15‑20 Jessica Bright, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
5 98 Figure 5.9 label 19-1.1 1.9-1.1 9-24-17 Matt Helm, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
6 115 6 the the percentage (associated the percentage (associated 9-30-19 Maya Chavis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8 177 2nd info note Is we know μ, If we know μ, 6-23-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8 178 8 2 + 14 + 34 + 34 + 14 + 2 = 96% 14 + 34 + 34 + 14 = 96% 6-23-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8 182 12 lies between 99.56 and 101.13 pounds lies between 97.99 and 101.13 pounds 10-8-19 Shaun Plummer and Elaine Aquino, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
9 208 25 (5th paragraph 3rd line) null hypothesis says "there no effect"; null hypothesis says "there is no effect"; 3-7-23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
9 583 right column Chapter 9, Section C, Exercise 20 20. (b) >99.999% (c) <.001% 20. (b) 99.997% (c) .003% 3-7-23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
9 212 Table 9.3 caption, 2nd line decision mode decision made 7-14-17 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 229 last marginal SILI note MEW is less than or equal to 100 MEW is equal to 100 6-25-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 249 8th line from bottom 248 bad subscript 248 good subscript 6-26-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 249 last line (because is √n the denominator) (because √n is the denominator) 6-25-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 259 Exercise 7 first line σ ≥ 2 σ = 2 12-1-23 Kim Barchard, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 259 Exercise 7 second line H0: μ = 7 H0: μ ≥ 7 12-1-23 Kim Barchard, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 584 right column Figure for exercise 3. (d) and (e) last line tobs = 1.71 tobs = 1.17 3-12-23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 585 left column Answer to Exercise 5 part (n) d = .51 d = –.51 10-20-19 Michelle Gleason, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 585 right column Figure for Exercise 5 part (n) d = .51 d = –.51 10-20-19 Michelle Gleason, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 272 last paragraph 1st line the same thing (namely, σ2) the same thing (namely, σ2) 6-29-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 279 Table 11.3, right-hand HBU column, 4th row 1514.03
10-31-17 Aaron Hiller, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 283 2 best point-estimate) of α best point-estimate) of σ 7-2-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 586 Figure for exercise
11.2 (d) and (e)
The part in green
has been moved
to the negative side;
the parts in yellow
have been extended
11.2d and 3 10-27-20 Melanie Lopez Pedroso, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 586 Exercise 3(b) s1 = 4.111. s2 = 3.568 s12 = 16.90, s22 = 12.731 4-12-21 Cassandra Foster and Bailey Way, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 586 Exercise 3(b) 11.3b-a 11.3b-b 4-12-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 587 Exercise 5(a) spooled = 5.101 s2pooled = 26.02 10-31-23 Wyatt Swartzbaugh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 588 Exercise 5(b) spooled = 10.198 s2pooled = 104.08 10-31-23 Wyatt Swartzbaugh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 588 Exercise 6(b) spooled = 5.101 s2pooled = 26.02 10-31-23 Wyatt Swartzbaugh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
12 309 6 7-3-17 Xing Huang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
12 Personal Trainer
Lab 12
pp. 35, 36, 37, 38
Table first row –21.16 21.16 11-1-19 Herman Nelson Jr., University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 365 2nd info note 3rd line "sum of sequared" "sum of squared" 7-2-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 367 Labels in right-hand panel 7-2-20 James Webster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 368 13 we can recognize that SSW and SST we can recognize that SSW and SSB 11-12-19 Shaun Plummer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
lines 6 and 7 (occurs in both lines)
433.60 435.60 11‑20‑18 Richard Bovino, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 443 8th from bottom Thus, the Marcus' ratings Thus, Marcus' ratings 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 446 17 If the objerved value If the observed value 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 596 Exercise 10 14.10 14.10 4‑12‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 596 Exercises 24 and 27 part (h) (14.6) (14.2) 4‑15‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 434 Figure 16.4 Vertical axis now reads 'Weigh (lb)' Vertical axis should read 'Weight (lb)' 11-23-21 Kim Barchard, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 444 Figure 16.21 caption Scatter diagram of teacher's rating versus student's IQ Scatter diagram of student's IQ versus teacher's rating 4-27-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 444 Figure 16.21 (redraw figure with axes swapped) 4-27-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 456 part (e) Thenumberofdegreesoffreedomforthisteststatistic The number of degrees of freedom for this test statistic 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 599 Exercise 21 (e) 20 pairs n/a; 20 pairs 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 460 Learning objective 11 How is the total sum of squares partitioned in regression ---Delete this learning objective--- 12-6-22 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 481 17 (last sentence in paragraph) closer to the mean that at the outset closer to the mean than at the outset 4‑30‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 495 Section C, part (a) (3) means of one mean of one 5-7-19 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. D
600 first line of first column start at $31.000 start at $31,000 5-4-22 Fahmo Abdullahi, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. D
600 Figure 4.(c) the normal distribution is shown too high 5-4-22 Fahmo Abdullahi, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. D
601 Exercise 23 part (h) (14.6) (14.2) 5-3-21 Suteeda Boonsrisart, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
18 533 First column last line advertising has increase business advertising has increased business 5‑5‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
18 604 Exercise 22. (e) 13 pairs N/A; 13 pairs 5‑5‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 544 Figure second-level subscript (change df = 3 to df = 3,20) 4-22-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 547 Table A.5, title α = .05 α = .01 4-17-18 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 549 Table A.6, title α = .05 α = .01 4-17-18 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. B 555 5 4 = –(4) –4 = –(4) 5-2-20 Josh Soliz, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. C 566 Equation (8.5) ptcv(sp) ≤ Π ≤ p + tcv(sp) ptcv(sp) ≤ Π ≤ p + tcv(sp)     [df = n – 1] 5‑5‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition)
The only textbook featuring eyeball-estimation and progressive cumulative review

Errata in instructors' materials (sorted by chapter)

We have worked very hard to make Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) and Personal Trainer error free, but occasionally errors do occur. I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank those who have spotted errors. All known errors are listed below.

If you find an error in Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) or in Personal Trainer that is not already listed here, please let us know about it immediately so that we can inform others.

We will correct Personal Trainer errors immediately, and will correct textbook errors in all subsequent printings.

Errata in instructor's materials sorted by chapter. Last updated 7-1-17.
Chapter Page Line Now Reads Should Read Date Thanks To
1 1 None so far!

Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition)
The only textbook featuring eyeball-estimation and progressive cumulative review

Errata (sorted by date posted)

We have worked very hard to make Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) and Personal Trainer error free, but occasionally errors do occur. I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank those who have spotted errors. All known errors are listed below.

If you find an error in Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) or in Personal Trainer that is not already listed here, please let us know about it immediately so that we can inform others.

We will correct Personal Trainer errors immediately, and will correct textbook errors in all subsequent printings.

Errata sorted by date posted. Last updated 12-1-23.
Chapter Page Line Now Reads Should Read Date Thanks To
10 259 Exercise 7 first line σ ≥ 2 σ = 2 12-1-23 Kim Barchard, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 259 Exercise 7 second line H0: μ = 7 H0: μ ≥ 7 12-1-23 Kim Barchard, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 587 Exercise 5(a) spooled = 5.101 s2pooled = 26.02 10-31-23 Wyatt Swartzbaugh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 588 Exercise 5(b) spooled = 10.198 s2pooled = 104.08 10-31-23 Wyatt Swartzbaugh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 588 Exercise 6(b) spooled = 5.101 s2pooled = 26.02 10-31-23 Wyatt Swartzbaugh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
18 533 First column last line advertising has increase business advertising has increased business 5‑5‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
18 604 Exercise 22. (e) 13 pairs N/A; 13 pairs 5‑5‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. C 566 Equation (8.5) ptcv(sp) ≤ Π ≤ p + tcv(sp) ptcv(sp) ≤ Π ≤ p + tcv(sp)     [df = n – 1] 5‑5‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 481 17 (last sentence in paragraph) closer to the mean that at the outset closer to the mean than at the outset 4‑30‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 456 part (e) Thenumberofdegreesoffreedomforthisteststatistic The number of degrees of freedom for this test statistic 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 599 Exercise 21 (e) 20 pairs n/a; 20 pairs 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 443 8th from bottom Thus, the Marcus' ratings Thus, Marcus' ratings 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 446 17 If the objerved value If the observed value 4‑26‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 596 Exercises 24 and 27 part (h) (14.6) (14.2) 4‑15‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 596 Exercise 10 14.10 14.10 4‑12‑23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 584 right column Figure for exercise 3. (d) and (e) last line tobs = 1.71 tobs = 1.17 3-12-23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
9 208 25 (5th paragraph 3rd line) null hypothesis says "there no effect"; null hypothesis says "there is no effect"; 3-7-23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
9 583 right column Chapter 9, Section C, Exercise 20 20. (b) >99.999% (c) <.001% 20. (b) 99.997% (c) .003% 3-7-23 YeonJi Song, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 460 Learning objective 11 How is the total sum of squares partitioned in regression ---Delete this learning objective--- 12-6-22 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 600 first line of first column start at $31.000 start at $31,000 5-4-22 Fahmo Abdullahi, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 600 Figure 4.(c) the normal distribution is shown too high 5-4-22 Fahmo Abdullahi, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4 579 Ch. 4 Sec. C. #23 [not provided] 4.23 6‑15‑20 Jessica Bright, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 434 Figure 16.4 Vertical axis now reads 'Weigh (lb)' Vertical axis should read 'Weight (lb)' 11-23-21 Kim Barchard, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
n/a Inside front cover 5 Go to Go to 5‑19‑21 Kaylee Scholtes, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 601 Exercise 23 part (h) (14.6) (14.2) 5-3-21 Suteeda Boonsrisart, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 444 Figure 16.21 caption Scatter diagram of teacher's rating versus student's IQ Scatter diagram of student's IQ versus teacher's rating 4-27-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
16 444 Figure 16.21 (redraw figure with axes swapped) 4-27-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 544 Figure second-level subscript (change df = 3 to df = 3,20) 4-22-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 586 Exercise 3(b) s1 = 4.111. s2 = 3.568 s12 = 16.90, s22 = 12.731 4-12-21 Cassandra Foster and Bailey Way, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 586 Exercise 3(b) 11.3b-a 11.3b-b 4-12-21 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 586 Figure for exercise
11.2 (d) and (e)
The part in green
has been moved
to the negative side;
the parts in yellow
have been extended
11.2d and 3 10-27-20 Melanie Lopez Pedroso, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 283 2 best point-estimate) of α best point-estimate) of σ 7-2-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 365 2nd info note 3rd line "sum of sequared" "sum of squared" 7-2-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 367 Labels in right-hand panel 7-2-20 James Webster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 272 last paragraph 1st line the same thing (namely, σ2) the same thing (namely, σ2) 6-29-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 249 8th line from bottom 248 bad subscript 248 good subscript 6-26-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 249 last line (because is √n the denominator) (because √n is the denominator) 6-25-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 229 last marginal SILI note MEW is less than or equal to 100 MEW is equal to 100 6-25-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8 177 2nd info note Is we know μ, If we know μ, 6-23-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8 178 8 2 + 14 + 34 + 34 + 14 + 2 = 96% 14 + 34 + 34 + 14 = 96% 6-23-20 Mae Ling Catayong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4 578 Ch. 4 Sec. A. #5(f) [not provided] between about 15 and 16 6‑15‑20 James Webster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4 578 Ch. 4 Sec. A. #6(f) [not provided] between about 82 and 84 6‑15‑20 James Webster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. B 555 5 4 = –(4) –4 = –(4) 5-2-20 Josh Soliz, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
14 368 13 we can recognize that SSW and SST we can recognize that SSW and SSB 11-12-19 Shaun Plummer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
12 Personal Trainer
Lab 12
pp. 35, 36, 37, 38
Table first row –21.16 21.16 11-1-19 Herman Nelson Jr., University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 585 left column Answer to Exercise 5 part (n) d = .51 d = –.51 10-20-19 Michelle Gleason, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
10 585 right column Figure for Exercise 5 part (n) d = .51 d = –.51 10-20-19 Michelle Gleason, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8 182 12 lies between 99.56 and 101.13 pounds lies between 97.99 and 101.13 pounds 10-8-19 Shaun Plummer and Elaine Aquino, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
6 115 6 the the percentage (associated the percentage (associated 9-30-19 Maya Chavis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
17 495 Section C, part (a) (3) means of one mean of one 5-7-19 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
lines 6 and 7 (occurs in both lines)
433.60 435.60 11‑20‑18 Richard Bovino, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 547 Table A.5, title α = .05 α = .01 4-17-18 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
App. A 549 Table A.6, title α = .05 α = .01 4-17-18 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11 279 Table 11.3, right-hand HBU column, 4th row 1514.03
10-31-17 Aaron Hiller, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
5 98 Figure 5.9 label 19-1.1 1.9-1.1 9-24-17 Matt Helm, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
3 578 Ch. 3 Sec. C. #23 [not provided] 3.24 9-15-17 Monserrat Leal-Arcos, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
9 212 Table 9.3 caption, 2nd line decision mode decision made 7-14-17 Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
12 309 6 7-3-17 Xing Huang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition)
The only textbook featuring eyeball-estimation and progressive cumulative review

Errata in instructors' materials (sorted by date posted)

We have worked very hard to make Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) and Personal Trainer error free, but occasionally errors do occur. I apologize for the inconvenience, and thank those who have spotted errors. All known errors are listed below.

If you find an error in Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th Edition) or in Personal Trainer that is not already listed here, please let us know about it immediately so that we can inform others.

We will correct Personal Trainer errors immediately, and will correct textbook errors in all subsequent printings.

Errata in instructor's materials sorted by date posted. Last updated 7-1-17.
Chapter Page Line Now Reads Should Read Date Thanks To
1 1 None so far!

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